South Yorkshire Badger Group
Badger Helpline for South Yorkshire
Badger Helpline for South Yorkshire 07722590184
Badger Helpline for South Yorkshire 07722590184
Would you like to join South Yorkshire Badger Group?
Some people just want to express their interest in badgers and offer moral support by paying an annual membership subscription.
Others are satisfied just to be kept in touch by receiving their occasional emails or attending the quarterly meetings.
Many members know just one or two setts local to them. It is important to let us know from time to time how 'your' setts are going on. South Yorkshire is a big place. Don't assume that SYBG officials know more than you.
Some members meet with others (especially on Sunday morning walks) and survey setts.
If you are even more keen to involve yourself you could help at summer fairs where we raise funds and more importantly, give advice and information to the public.
Our more energetic members spend very rewarding Sundays working hard with spades, picks and shovels protecting damaged badger setts, helped by the local Conservation Volunteer group. Sometimes we build artificial setts to attract new colonies or to release rehabilitated badgers.
Whatever your contribution, once we are satisfied with your good intentions you will be welcome as a member of South Yorkshire Badger Group.
To join the group, either print the form below or copy it to a word doc. Comlpete the form and pass to a member or forward by post or Email to our secretary or chairperson. Once accepted, payment of your membership fee will be arranged.
South Yorkshire Badger Group Membership Application
Phone No. Mobile No.
Date of Birth
Membership Applied for (To be paid after acceptance)
Consession (£10) Concession Couple (£15)
Adult(£15) Couple/Family(£25)
Have you had any involvement with badgers, the group, or members? (Not a condition of membership)
Do you know any badger setts which you could monitor occasionally?(Not a condition of membership)
Please forward to our secretary
Any other comments?